Every thing we do is strategically designed around realistic, measurable objectives to meet specific, achievable goals.
Our Administrative Team oversees all activity in which we are involved; however, much responsibility for planning and implementation rests on local partners. The high level of detail describing every step of the process including what, how, where, and by whom is determined by those who have first hand knowledge and experience with all nuances of the culture.
We use the following basic techniques in our strategy:
Target. Once a problem is identified, we focus on those who need action the most.
Piggyback. Rather than set up an entirely new infrastructure through which to implement a program, we piggyback treatment and prevention onto already established venues like the school system and local healthcare facilities.
Prevent. Every strategy is made up of two equally important activities: treatment and prevention.
Follow-up. In addition to making sure that resources are used appropriately, follow-up includes observing compliance, measuring improvement, and addressing challenges that prevent successful outcomes. Follow-up might also include public health announcements, radio spots and additional training within the community.